Squirmy and Grubs: Accessible Mexico Trip with Cole & Charisma

Squirmy and Grubs and Cole and Charisma in front of Chichen Itza in Mexico
Squirmy and Grubs & Cole and Charisma at Chichen Itza in Mexico

Squirmy and Grubs (Shane Burcaw and Hannah Aylward) and Roll with Cole and Charisma (Cole Sydnor and Charisma Jamison) are two of the most prominent disability influencers and content creators on social media.

Shane and Hannah share their life as an interabled couple through their YouTube channel and social media platforms, inspiring millions with their humor, love, and advocacy for disability awareness.

Cole and Charisma also document their interabled relationship, focusing on their life adventures and promoting accessibility through their engaging content.

Accessible group trip with Squirmy and Grubs, Cole and Charisma, Alvaro Flo
Accessible group trip in Mexico with Wheel the World

Who is Squirmy and Grubs?

Squirmy and Grubs are Shane Burcaw and Hannah Aylward, a couple that has captivated the online community with their unique love story and candid discussions about disability. Shane, who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), and Hannah, his able-bodied partner, share their experiences as an interabled couple on their YouTube channel, which has amassed a large following. They aim to break down stereotypes and normalize disability through their humorous and heartfelt content.

Squirmy and Grubs in Mexico with Wheel the World
Squirmy and Grubs

What is the Story Behind Squirmy and Grubs?

Shane and Hannah met online and quickly formed a deep connection. They began dating long-distance before Hannah moved in with Shane. Their channel, Squirmy and Grubs, documents their everyday lives, challenges, and adventures, providing a glimpse into their loving relationship.

Who is Cole and Charisma?

Roll with Cole and Charisma are Cole Sydnor and Charisma Jamison, another interabled couple who share their journey on social media. Cole became quadriplegic after a diving accident, and Charisma has been his wife and primary supporter. Their YouTube channel, Roll with Cole and Charisma, focuses on their life together, addressing both the fun and the difficulties they face as an interabled couple.

Cole and Charisma are full-time content creators and disability advocates. They use their platform to educate others about accessibility, relationships, and living life to the fullest despite physical limitations.

Cole and Charisma in traveling in Mexico with Wheel the World
Cole and Charisma in Mexico

Their Accessible Trip to Mexico

Both couples recently embarked on an unforgettable 6-day accessible journey to Mexico with Wheel the World. This trip was thoughtfully planned to offer a blend of comfort, luxury, and adventure, all within an accessible framework.

Dreams Jade Resort & Spa: An Accessible All Inclusive Resort

The trip began with a warm welcome at the Dreams Jade Resort & Spa, an all-inclusive resort nestled between Cancun and Riviera Maya. This luxurious resort offers accessible accommodations and a range of amenities designed to ensure a comfortable stay. Guests enjoyed the serene beachfront, delectable dining experiences, and engaging activities in a setting that caters to the needs of every traveler.

  • Spacious, wheelchair-friendly accommodations with roll-in showers and grab bars
  • Lowered beds and wide doorways for easy access
  • Accessible dining options and a welcoming staff ready to assist
Accessible Dreams Jade Resort & Spa in Mexico with a roll-in shower
Roll-in shower at Dreams Jade Resort & Spa in Mexico
Outdoor pool overlooking the ocean at Dreams Jade Resort & Spa in Mexico
Outdoor pool at Dreams Jade Resort & Spa in Mexico

Exploring Mexico

The couples had the opportunity to explore some of the most stunning attractions in the region:

  • Chichen Itza: A marvel of ancient engineering, accessible via flat, cemented pathways. Despite some rougher areas, the main ruin complex is entirely flat, making it navigable for wheelchair users.
  • Playa del Carmen: A gentle rolling tour through La Quinta Avenida, a pedestrian-friendly street lined with shops and cafes. The avenue's wide, flat sidewalks and curb cuts make it easy to explore.
  • Xoximilco: An evening of vibrant Mexican culture, featuring accessible trajineras (boats) for a festive water journey. The staff ensured a smooth and safe experience with wheelchair ramps and accommodations.
  • Xcaret: An eco-archaeological park offering accessible trails, exhibits, and the spectacular Xcaret México Espectacular Show. The park's infrastructure includes ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms to ensure a seamless visit.
Accessible group trip to Mexico, visiting Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins

Itinerary Highlights

Day 1: Arrival at Dreams Jade Resort & Spa

  • Greeted at Cancun International Airport with an accessible minivan
  • Check-in to wheelchair-accessible rooms at the resort
  • Welcome dinner in a semi-private space at one of the resort's restaurants

Day 2: Relaxation and Exploration

  • Leisurely breakfast at the resort
  • Relaxation by the pool or on the accessible beach
  • Afternoon tour of Playa del Carmen, exploring La Quinta Avenida
  • Evening dinner at the resort

Day 3: Chichen Itza and Valladolid

  • Early breakfast followed by a tour of Chichen Itza
  • Accessible pathways and rest areas at the site
  • Optional stop in Valladolid for sightseeing and shopping
  • Return to the resort for dinner

Day 4: Cancún and Xoximilco

  • Morning tour of Cancún with photo opportunities
  • Lunch at La Isla shopping center
  • Evening Xoximilco excursion with accessible trajineras
  • Dinner aboard the trajinera with live music and festivities

Day 5: Xcaret Adventure

  • Morning relaxation at the resort
  • Afternoon tour of Xcaret with accessible trails and cultural exhibits
  • Dinner at one of Xcaret's restaurants
  • Evening Xcaret México Espectacular Show

Day 6: Departure

  • Breakfast at the resort
  • Transport to Cancun International Airport
Group photo at Dreams Jade Resort and Spa in Mexico
Accessible group trip in Mexico with Wheel the World

Q&A With Squirmy and Grubs and Cole and Charisma

We had the chance to ask the couples a few questions about their trip, life, and some advice for travelers with disabilities.

What advice would you give to individuals with disabilities who are hesitant to travel due to accessibility concerns?

Cole and Charisma: Do your research and find the right travel partners. It’s important to accept that you’ll probably experience at least one obstacle or difficulty on any trip you take, but sometimes those unforeseen issues lead to the best travel stories!

Squirmy and Grubs: You get to have once-in-a-lifetime moments, and it’s often easier than you think it is.

Despite the challenges associated with traveling with a disability, what motivates and inspires you to still travel?

Cole and Charisma: There's nothing more exciting or rewarding, at least in our opinion, than seeing new places and experiencing new cultures. Trying new delicious food is another big motivator.

Squirmy and Grubs: You get to have once-in-a-lifetime moments, and it’s often easier than you think it is.

Can you share some highlights from your recent trip to Cancun? How did you find the accessibility of the destination?

Cole and Charisma: Chichen Itza was an incredible experience. There were some rougher areas of rolling, but the larger issue was the heat. Certainly worth the effort and overall easier than anticipated.

Squirmy and Grubs: We agree that Chichen Itza was amazing! Another highlight for us was all the food and fun to be had at our (very accessible) hotel, Dreams Jade. Relaxing poolside and oceanside with a margarita was incredible.

How do you think platforms like Wheel the World are contributing to making travel more accessible for everyone?

Cole and Charisma: It’s very encouraging knowing that your lodging and experiences have been vetted by other wheelchair users. For lots of people, seeing that it’s been done is all they need to go for it themselves.

Squirmy and Grubs: Wheel the World takes away so much of the stress of traveling because we knew all of our activities and transportation logistics had been thoroughly researched by your team. Because of that, we could focus more on just having fun.

How was your overall experience traveling with Wheel the World?

Cole and Charisma: Overall, we are very pleased with our trip! The excursions were fun and well-planned, and the transportation was reliable and comfortable.

Squirmy and Grubs: We had an amazing time and made many unforgettable memories with our best friends!

What are some key factors you consider when planning a trip to ensure it meets your accessibility needs?

Cole and Charisma: Roll-in showers are super important, and enough clearance to roll around the hotel room. Also, having confidence in being able to enjoy the local area, so basic accessibility infrastructure, like curb cutouts and barrier-free entry to stores/restaurants.

Squirmy and Grubs: Spacious hotel accommodations and step-free entries are the big ones for us.

What's a favorite personal travel memory of yours?

Cole and Charisma: Getting to see Mt Denali in Alaska on a clear day was absolutely breathtaking!

Squirmy and Grubs: Exploring the historic city of Krakow and eating about one million pierogi.

Can you share a funny or memorable travel mishap that you've experienced and how you handled it?

Cole and Charisma: Once, while boarding a plane, we were assigned a transfer team incapable of lifting my (Cole) weight. As they attempted to transfer me, my weight became too much and I began falling through their grips. Fortunately, Charisma was able to vault over the adjacent seats and help lift before I had been completely dropped. We can’t wait for the day when planes are made to accommodate wheelchairs!

Squirmy and Grubs: Hannah and I once walked a long way in Savannah, Georgia to eat at a restaurant we were excited to try, only to discover they had a big staircase blocking my entry. We were annoyed at first, but ended up eating at an empty fondue place that turned out to be lovely.

Finally, what destinations are on your travel bucket list, and why?

Cole and Charisma: Singapore is high on our bucket list. Being a more modern city, accessibility seems to be pretty reliable. Also, the food is a huge draw for us. Half our reason for traveling is to eat as much of the local food as we can!

Squirmy and Grubs: We want to stay at a resort that has over-water bungalows!

Ready for an Adventure?

This incredible journey with Squirmy and Grubs and Roll with Cole and Charisma showcases the joy and possibilities of accessible travel. Their experiences highlight the importance of thorough planning and the value of platforms like Wheel the World in making travel accessible to everyone. We hope their stories inspire you to embark on your own accessible adventures and create unforgettable memories. Join us on a trip to Mexico and discover the magic and beauty of accessible travel for yourself.

Take the Same Accessible Trip to Mexico

with guaranteed accessibility

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