Hotel Accessible Rooms: 6 Reasons to Book with Wheel the World

Power wheelchair-user next to a bed
Accessible room with a proper bed height

Traveling has become more accessible over the years, but for people with disabilities, finding reliable and accurate information about hotel accessible rooms remains a significant challenge. Arriving at a hotel only to find that the promised accessibility features are not as advertised is a common and frustrating experience. This article highlights the prevalent problems faced by travelers with disabilities and explains how you can find and book guaranteed accessible rooms.

Summary – Why book with Wheel the World?

  • Comprehensive, Reliable, and Accurate Accessibility Information: Know exactly what to expect with detailed descriptions and over 200 data points for each hotel.
  • Personalized Accessibility Profile: Match your specific needs with suitable hotels. It's free to fill out.
  • Accessibility Mapping System (AMS) and Mappers Program: Ensures the highest standards of accessibility information. With boots on the ground, every measurement is real and accurate.
  • Dedicated Travel Expert Support: No more calling hotels; let our experts handle it.
  • Pay the Same Price: No overcharges for accessibility! Best price guaranteed.
  • Find hotels All Over the U.S and International Countries: Explore accessible options around the world.
Power wheelchair-user next to an accessible bed in an accessible hotel room
Wheelchair accessible hotel room

The Problems with Booking Accessible Hotel Rooms

Here are the most common problems travelers with disabilities run into with finding and booking accessible hotels.

Unreliable Accessibility Information

Hotels often label rooms as "accessible" without providing detailed descriptions. Essential features such as door widths, bathroom layouts, and bed heights are frequently omitted. This lack of specific information means travelers often arrive to find rooms that do not meet their accessibility needs, leading to frustration and inconvenience.

Varied Accessibility Needs

Disabilities vary greatly, requiring specific and individualized accessibility features. Current solutions often do not cater to the diverse needs of travelers with different types of disabilities. For example, a lowered bed might be useful for some wheelchair users but not for others. Similarly, some people with disabilities prefer a bathtub while some need a roll-in shower. The needs are different, so accurate information is the difference – so travelers with disabilities can make an informed decision.

Lack of Guaranteed Accessibility

Even when accessible rooms are booked, there's no guarantee they will meet the expected standards. Many travelers face anxiety and uncertainty, fearing that their accommodations will not be as accessible as required. This inconsistency in accessibility standards makes planning a trip stressful and challenging.

two wheelchair-users checking into an accessible hotel
Checking into an accessible hotel

Why Book with Wheel the World: Solving the Problems of Accessible Hotel Rooms

Wheel the World is committed to making travel more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Here are six reasons why you should book your next hotel through Wheel the World.

1. Comprehensive Accessibility Information

Wheel the World takes accessibility seriously and understands that travelers need to have confidence in the information they rely on when planning their trips. One of the key reasons to choose Wheel the World as your travel partner is the provision of comprehensive accessibility information.

Woman measuring the bed height in a hotel to ensure accurate and reliable accessibility information
Measuring bed height for accurate and detailed accessibility information

Through the implemented Mappers Program, there are over 200 data points compiled with each listing you see on the website. These data points cover all important aspects of accessibility, including:

  • Door Width: this includes the bedroom and bathroom door, hotel entrance, elevator door, and more.
  • Bed Height: some individuals prefer lower bed heights while some prefer higher. This makes transfers from a wheelchair to the bed easier and safe, depending on what works for you.
  • Shower Type: is there a roll-in shower or bathtub? Is the shower spacious enough to accommodate a wheelchair-user? Does the shower have a seat or grab bars?
  • Turning Space: these measurements show if there is more than enough space (60 or more inches) in the bedroom, bathroom, and various areas where guests may be.
  • Step-free Entrances: this shows whether the entrance is on the ground floor, if there's ramp access, or if steps are present. If there are steps, we measure the height of them, in addition to how many.
  • Toilet: are there grab bars available? Measurements also include the height of the toilet.
  • Space Under Bed: this measurement helps travelers know whether travelers will have room underneath the bed for a Hoyer lift.
  • Sink Measurements: this includes the height of the sink and height of space under the sink.

And so much more! There are way too many measurements to list in this article, but the comprehensive mapping ensures travelers know exactly what to expect before booking and arriving, eliminating unpleasant surprises.

the comprehensive mapping ensures travelers know exactly what to expect before booking and arriving, eliminating unpleasant surprises.

2. The Personalized Accessibility Profile

One of the convenient elements is the accessibility profile, tailored to individual needs. When travelers sign up, they fill out an accessibility profile that captures their specific requirements and needs (this includes needs for accommodation, activities, transportation, and more). This acts as a matchmaker between you and suitable hotels. A personalized approach like this takes into account that accessibility is not a one-size-fits-all solution and caters to the diverse needs of travelers with disabilities.

Accessibility profile for personalized results for accessible hotels, activities, and more.
Build your accessibility profile for personalized experiences

The accessibility profile is free to fill out. Here's how it works.

  1. Sign up using your email
  2. Fill out the questions that are focused on your accessibility needs
  3. Thats it! Now you can start searching for your next hotel (or full-on trip)

What are the benefits of filling out the accessibility profile?

  • Personalized experience: We show a large selection of accessibility features, so that your trip can be planned to both your interests and needs.
  • Fill it out only once: Forget about being asked the same questions over and over! You only have to fill out your accessibility profile once.
  • Unlimited options: You won’t see less options, but our travel experts will be able to give you better suggestions.

3. Accessibility Mapping System (AMS) and Mappers Program

The Accessibility Mapping System (AMS) and Mappers Program are at the heart of Wheel the World's commitment to providing reliable accessibility information. The AMS collects and verifies accessibility data on-site, while trained mappers gather detailed information to ensure the accuracy of accessibility features. This guarantees that the accommodations listed on Wheel the World meet high accessibility standards.

It's not just an "ADA-compliant" sign slapped onto the website, but rather real human beings measuring and collecting important data, turning them into real-time listings.

It's not just an "ADA-compliant" sign slapped onto the website, but rather real human beings measuring and collecting important data, turning them into real-time listings.
Mapper measuring the bedroom door width in a hotel to ensure detailed and accurate accessibility information
Mapper measuring door width in a hotel for accurate accessibility information

4. Dedicated Travel Expert Support

With every booking you make comes with personalized support at every stage of the journey – before, during, and after. Dedicated travel experts are available to assist with booking and confirm that accessibility features are available during the travel dates.

The travel experts make the calls for you, confirming the room you requested is available.*and it you don't get the room you requested, you receive your money back.

Whether travelers have questions, special requests, or need assistance with unexpected situations, Wheel the World's experts are just a call or message away. Their expertise and commitment to travelers' well-being ensure a seamless and stress-free experience.

You Don't Have to Call Hotels Anymore!
Sofi, a travel expert at Wheel the World
Travel expert at Wheel the World

5. Pay the Same Price - No Overcharges for Accessibility

That's right. You pay the same price as booking directly on other websites. Our best price guarantee ensures that you get the most accessible accommodations without any extra cost or fees involved. Enjoy peace of mind knowing you're getting the best deal.

Man searching accessible hotels on Wheel the World with his mobile phone
You can search for accessible hotels on a desktop or phone

6. Accessible Hotels All Around the U.S and Internationally

With an ever-expanding network of partners, Wheel the World's options span over 250 destinations in more than 30 countries. Whether travelers dream of exploring historical architecture in Rome, experiencing romantic evenings in Paris, or want a quick weekend getaway to New York City, they can confidently book accessible hotels and trips in diverse and exciting destinations.

Whether travelers dream of exploring historical architecture in Rome, experiencing romantic evenings in Paris, or want a quick weekend getaway to New York City, they can confidently book accessible hotels and trips in diverse and exciting destinations.

Common Questions About Accessible Hotel Rooms

What Does "Accessible Room" Mean in a Hotel?

An accessible room is designed to cater to the needs of people with disabilities. The typical features one might think of is wide-enough doorways, roll-in showers, grab bars in the bathroom, lowered beds, and ample turning space for wheelchairs.

However, simply terming a room as accessible doesn't mean it is accessible for everyone. That's why providing detailed information is key. Each individual can read the information and know if the features are actually accessible for themselves.

Roll-in shower with a shower seat, grab bars, and a toilet with grab bars
Roll-in shower with a shower seat and grab bars

What Does ADA Mean for Hotel Rooms?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sets the standards for accessible design in public accommodations, including hotels. ADA-compliant hotel rooms must meet specific requirements to ensure they are accessible to people with disabilities. This includes having features such as grab bars, roll-in showers, and sufficient space for maneuvering wheelchairs.

Although this sounds positive, the regulations don't cover everything. A 2022 study conducted by MMGY Travel Intelligence found that 96% of travelers with a disability have encountered problems with accommodation, particularly with showers that are often inaccessible, bed heights that are too high, and a general lack of information on the website that prevented the travelers from booking.

So, if you see an ADA-compliant room, don't assume it'll be accessible.

What Is a Fully Accessible Room?

A fully accessible room goes beyond the basic ADA requirements and ensures that all aspects of the room are accessible. This includes not only the bathroom and sleeping area but also accessible routes to and from the room, accessible amenities, and features like adjustable beds and adaptive equipment as needed. This shows that hotel has made accessibility a major focus of their property, as opposed to just complying with the bare-minimum requirements.

Accessibility Doesn't Have to be so Hard

Traveling should be accessible to everyone. Finding and booking accessible hotels shouldn't be difficult. And now it isn't.

With Wheel the World's expertise, comprehensive information, and dedicated support, your next accessible trip can be a reality. Consider booking your next hotel with Wheel the World to ensure a worry-free, enjoyable stay tailored to your unique accessibility needs.

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Accessible Hotels That Suit Your Needs. Guaranteed.

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